RDNL promotes FAIR research data by offering training and expertise for data support.

GDPR 4 Data Support

Course versions and enrolment

GDPR 4 Data Support (GDPR4DS) is a training that covers all the concepts related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the steps you can take during the different phases of scientific research to protect personal data. It is intended for those who (wish to) support researchers in managing personal data responsibly in their research. It will help research data professionals that play a connecting role between researchers and privacy professionals such as a privacy officer. 

In addition to acquiring knowledge, practicing and sharing this knowledge are key points of the material. There are two different ways to take the course: 

Two ways to get started

  1. Online only 
    You have access to the chapters in the learning environment and can study them in whatever way that suits you and meets your learning needs. You will not have access to assignments and quizzes. You can start with the online-only versions at any time.
    Start the online-only course
  2. Full course (online + face 2 face with certificate)
    • The full course starts with a course day during which you will meet your fellow course participants, your instructors and a number of experts in the field. The instructors will also explain the structure of the online part of the course. 
    • Until the second course day (about three weeks later), you will have time to study the content of the online learning environment. You will be asked to complete a case study for one assignment, and then prepare one of two other assignments. Moodle is used for the some of the assignment delivery, while presentations will occur on the second course day.
    • The second course day focuses on presentations by the course participants and an evaluation. In addition, a number of experts will talk about their own eareas of expertise in the field of research data and privacy.
    • Provided you have completed both assignments and attend both in-person sessions, you will receive a certificate on the second day of the course.

Time investment for the full course

In addition to the two course days, the average online study load is between eight and twelve hours per week (40 hours in total, excluding in-person sessions).


  • The online-only versions are free.
  • The full course costs € 895, exclusive of VAT.

Course dates and location

Two rounds of “GDPR4DS” are organized every year, one in English and one in Dutch. A training round usually covers a period of about 3 weeks. 

The course consists of two days of face-to-face teaching, supplemented with assignments and online content. Upon successful completion of all these components, you will receive a certificate.

The next round will be in English. The face-to-face teaching will take place on Thursday, November 7th (at DANS, Den Haag), and on Tuesday, December 10th 2024 (at DANS, Den Haag).  

Registration is now available. Costs for the full course: € 895,00 excl. vat (€ 1.082,95 incl. vat).

Experts currently lined up for the upcoming round and the general topic of their talks: 

Experts on Day 1General topic
Frans Huigen (Utrecht University– Perspectives as privacy officer
Dorien Huijser (Utrecht University)– Data stewardship and privacy
Matthieu Laneuville (SURF)– Responsible AI

Experts on Day 2 General topic
Anke van Gorp (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht)– Challenges in complex research projects
Miriam Beusink (Health-RI, ELSI)– Use cases from medical research
Afshin Amighi  (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)– Basics of Anonymization in ARX 


If you have any questions, please contact cursus@researchdata.nl.


Terms of use

Cancellation / no show 

If you cannot attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via cursus@researchdata.nl. Then we might be able to fill up your vacant spot. 

If we receive your cancellation up to 7 days prior to the first course day (the date of the first group meeting) no payment is required. For later cancellations we will have to charge the full amount. If you don’t attend the course without timely cancellation (up to 7 days prior to the first course day via cursus@researchdata.nl) the full amount will also be charged.

Choice of system 

If you want to use all functionalities the GDPR 4 Data Support course has to offer, we recommend taking the course on a Desktop PC, laptop or tablet (landscape orientation).