The Dutch Data Prize

Every two years, the Dutch Data Prize is awarded to an individual or a team that makes research data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. 

The Dutch Data Prize Award Ceremony is part of the FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow. The event is free, but registration is required.

On 17 October 2024, the Dutch Data Prize will be awarded in three categories:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Natural and Engineering Sciences
  • Life Sciences and Health

The winners of the Dutch Data Prize receive € 3.500,- towards making their dataset more FAIR, e.g. by organising a symposium or by making the data accessible online.

Nominees have a chance of winning this award. They have nominated their own dataset or a dataset produced by another individual or research group. Nominations are limited to research led or primarily conducted by research-performing organisations in the Netherlands. Nominations were possible until 30 August 2024.

Finalists of Dutch Data Prize 2024


The Dutch Data Prize 2024 criteria provide guidance for preparing submissions and ensure transparency about criteria to which the jury will adhere in assessing submissions.

Download the Dutch Data Prize Award Criteria 2024.


The winners of the Dutch Data Prize will be chosen by an independent jury, consisting of the chair and six members, who are divided into pairs per category. 

Jury chair: Dr Claudia van Oppen (D.r.), Maastricht University Library

Jury members category Natural Sciences and Engineering

Jury members category Social Sciences and Humanities

Jury members category Life Sciences and Health

Award ceremony

The award ceremony will take place on 17 October 2024 in collaboration with the FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow with an engaging programme for researchers, research support professionals and open science enthusiasts alike. The event will take place in the Hague, from 13:00 – 16:45, the full programme is available (the plenary sessions can also be followed online).

To attend the award ceremony, you need to register on the FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow webpage

Prize Winning Research Data Practices

The Dutch Data Prize is a valuable recognition of researchers’ contributions to their own field and to the principle of FAIR data. There are many routes to practising FAIR data management and each of the finalists will have the opportunity to share ‘behind the scenes’ details about their research and data management practices in a short address prior to the award ceremony.

Curious who are the previous winners? Have a look here and read about their work. 


The Dutch Data Prize 2024 is offered to you by Research Data Netherlands partners (RDNL): 4TU.ResearchData, DANS, Health-RI en SURF.