History Dutch Data Prize
The Dutch Data Prize, later transformed into the Dutch Data Prize, has been awarded since 2010. First only within the Social Science and Humanities category. Since 2012, the Natural and Engineering Sciences category has also been added. From 2016, there is also a chance to win the award in the Life Sciences and Health Science category.
Who won the Dutch Data Prize before?
- Generations and Gender Survey – Olga Grunwald, Anne Gauthier – Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) (SSH)
- Impact-Aware Robotics Database – Maarten Jongeneel, Alessandro Saccon – Eindhoven University of Technology (NES)
- Xeno-canto – Willem-Pier Vellinga, Bob Planqué – Stichting Xeno-canto voor natuurgeluiden (LSH)
- DNA barcodes for fungal identification – Duong Vu and Gerard Verkley – Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute (KNAW) (LSH)
- Materials In Paintings (MIP): An interdisciplinary dataset for perception, art history, and computer vision – Mitchell Van Zuijlen, Hubert Lin, Kavita Bala, Sylvia Pont, Maarten Wijntjes – TU Delft (NES)
- YOUth – Coosje Veldkamp, Utrecht University (SSH)
- 17e eeuwse kranten – Nicoline van der Sijs, Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal & Delpher van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (SSH)
- STORM – Nadia Bloemendaal, Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NES)
- CoronaWatchNL – Jonathan de Bruin en CoronaWatchNL community, Universiteit Utrecht (LSH)
In 2020, an incentive prize was also awarded:
- MyMovez Project – het MyMovez Team, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (SSH)
- The Orchid Flowers dataset – Diah H. Apriyanti, datamanagement & Biometrics Group, Faculteit EEMCS, Universiteit Twente (NES)
- SPI-BIRDS – Marcel Visser en Antica Culina, NIOO-KNAW (LSH)
- Portable Antiquities of the Netherlands – Stijn Heeren, Vrije Universiteit (SSH)
- OpenINTEL – Ronald van Rijswijk-Deij, Universiteit Twente (NES)
- BBMRI-omics – Bas Heijmans, LUMC (LSH)
- BoschDoc – Loes Scholten, Radboud Universiteit (SSH)
- OpenML – Joaquin Vanschoren, Eindhoven University of Technology (NES)
- AHCODA-DB – Bastijn Koopmans, Sylics (LSH)
- Nederlandse Liederenbank – Martine de Bruin, Meertens Instituut (SSH)
- DINED – Marijke Dekker, TUDelft (NES)
- PoliticalMashup – Maarten Marx, Universiteit van Amsterdam (SSH)
- OpenEarth – Mark van Koningsveld, Van Oord/TU Delft (NES)
- Historische Steekproef Nederland – Kees Mandemakers, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (SSH)