The course Essentials 4 Data Support was designed with the following competencies in mind:
Competency and explanation
Skillfully handles ICT – Efficiently uses available information technology.
Shows entrepreneurship – Aims to improve data services in response to changing needs in the field. Keeps an eye on trends which emerge in the profession, knows where knowledge is available (networks) and disseminates important information to key people in the organisation.
Regularly inquiries into perceived needs in the field, e.g. by using questionnaires, interviews or focus groups. Actively contributes to developments in the field by visiting or contributing to training sessions, conferences etc.
Sees from the whole – Acknowledges that data are only part of the scientific lifecycle and is aware of the significance research data have for carrying out scientific research. Sees data- and information services as part of larger whole in which decisions are made.
Consulting skills – Can handle questions skillfully. Knows when to give advice and when to refer question about data management to a dedicated expert (e.g. questions about data formats, data documentation, storage, data citation (persistent identifiers), writing a data management plan (DMP), intellectual property and funder requirements).
Co-operative skills – Examines how collaboration with others (employees, researchers, institutions) may enhance service provision. Acknowledges the necessity of a forum where data supporters can communicate and stand up together to make a fist when it comes to important themes like data policies, copyright and information-infrastructure. Takes responsibility for their contribution to these partnerships.